The RNA Polymerase II and basal transcription factors of C. elegans have a irreducibly complex core (ȲâÀÏ)
The RNA Polymerase II and basal transcription factors of C. elegans have a irreducibly complex core
Hwang Chang-Il * * NOAH(association of Natural science
Oriented to the Attribution of the Holy one)
It is well-known that irreducible complex system
cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution theory, but which is required an
intelligent designer. Through the knock-out experiment of the gene, we can
clearly know whether a component of the system is indispensable to irreducible
complex system or not. The advance of molecular biology make it possible to
knock-out the gene of C. elegans easily. On this paper, I will show that
irreducibly complex system in C. elegans can be detected with RNAi database
based on a real experimental data. RNA polymerase II is a enzyme that have a
central role of mRNA transcription. In addition, for starting the transcription
process, the action of several transcription factors is indispensable. It has
been thought that the transcription system is evolutionarily originated from
common ancestor because they have a similar structure. However, when the gene of
partial subunits that consist of RNA polymerase and basal transcription factors
were knock-out in C. elegans, the organism became lethal so that we confirmed
that these components are irreducibly complex cores. These kinds of things
cannot be explained by progressive Darwinian evolution model.